Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Drama Free

Just wanted to give you an update and let you know that today was completely drama free aside from the text messages that were on my phone from last night when I got up this morning. I am really surprised my psycho ex-best friend did not harass me anymore today and let me know even more how crappy of a person and friend I am but she did not...thank goodness.Oh, and on a more optimistic note, I may have a date this weekend! Nothing is official yet but it is in the works so I am super excited. Someone new...older...and hopefully more mature than my last two boyfriends. I mean, I know I still miss my recent ex but I cant wait around for him to grow up forever and decide that he is ready for serious relationship. I talked to him last night on facebook messenger and he was telling me how he didnt want to get close to anyone right now...but my question is why is he talking to that high school girl? I feel kind of sorry for her because she has no idea that he feels that way I am sure. Then the weird-o calls me today to let me know he got a Busa. He actually wanted to know if I had talked to Calvin or seen him around knowing that I had not because I dont go anywhere...I honestly think he just wanted me to know he got a Busa but whatever. I asked him when I was going to get to go for a ride and he said "we'll see." Ha! Whatever though...its time to stop worrying about the past and start focusing on the future. As much as we wish we could sometimes we cant go back and change the past. But we can, however, make the future the best that it can be. Ive got some good true friends, a great family, and beautiful, smart, perfect baby girls. What more do I need? And for that one select ex-best friend- I dont have to have somebody to be happy but I sure wont sit around and dwell on the past like some chose too. Well its time to get a good nights sleep after my crazy night last night. Im off to bed then a long day tomorrow as usual. Only 80 more days till graduation! Woo hoo! Until next time...

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