Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nothing Exciting...

I havent posted a blog in a couple of days so I figured now was better than never. Today has been a pretty normal day. I didnt get called to sub so I hung around the house until about 1 o'clock doing a whole lot of nothing with the girls. Then I had an appointment in town, had to go by the grocery store, and then drop of a paper in town, nothing exciting but at least I got out of the house for about an hour and a half. The girls went over to Jon's or wherever it is that Lana takes them when she picks them up on his designated days?? While they were gone I mopped the kitchen floor which was in desperate need of it and I read a little bit on my Twlight book. I also got online and just laid around in the recliner bored as usual. I hate not knowing if I have to work when Im doing the subbing thing. I would much rather be scheduled to sub than allow them to call me in the mornings but I have to do what I have to do. After I woke up at 7:45 this morning I figured I wasnt going to be needed LOL so I got up and made some coffee to get me started. I guess Ill just see if anybody calls in the morning....who knows. Tomorrow is the last day I could work before Christmas break, Im sure everyone is extremely excited about being off for a couple of weeks! I am excited about Christmas...I have a lot of plans so far but nothing yet for New Years. Heck, the way its looking I may end up doing a whole lot of NOTHING...but then again you never know, something may turn up. I have got to remember to take my timesheet to the board of education tomorrow. I saw it in my bag when I was getting my book out so I laid it out so I wouldnt forget to take it either afterschool if I work or sometime during the day. That would suck to forget to turn it in and not get paid! I would die! lol. Oh, by the way...on a very great note...I PASSED THE MATH PRAXIS TEST! I may have already mentioned that in another blog but I dont think so. My friend Amber called me Tuesday morning and told me they were posted so I got online. I was so nervous. I only had to score a 148 and I scored a 171 so I was thrilled. I had been so worried that I failed and I would have to pay another $100 to take it again which would have sucked! Just one more test to go...the social studies one in January. I am so ready to get it over with and get my scores back. I hope I pass! I have been studying a little so I guess we will see if that helps. Well, I am extremely thirsty and getting a little tired surprisingly. I will blog again soon...I will probably have some interesting things to blog about this weekend! Until next time...

1 comment:

Ivana Clay said...

Congrats on passing your test! From one twin mommy to another, I am so proud of you! I don't know how you do all you do and raise the girls. You are super-woman! :)