Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today I am working at the high school, subbing for Coach Miller in health and PE. I got here and had planning first period so I was stuck in the library doing nothing. I did, however, look over my Praxis study guide since my praxis is Saturday! I hope I pass it because it is the last one that I have to take thank goodness. I need to call my friend Amber and make sure she is still riding with me Saturday. She started student teaching this week so Im sure she is busy knowing her because she is such a worry wart. Yesterday I got a text from Jay and got to go work up at the housing authority for about 3.5 hours. I am going to work up there all day tomorrow which I am excited about. Id rather work up there for $7 an hour then wait for a call to sub which may never come! No one called me this morning but luckily I was already scheduled to be here at the high school. I guess a lot of teachers arent taking any days off this first week back to school since Christmas break. I am subbing at JEBMS on Friday so Ive had a pretty busy week...only a half a day off on Tuesday so that's pretty good. Next week Im scheduled 3 days already. Hopefully I can get scheduled the other two or at least get called in, hopefully at the middle school. I turned in my application up at the housing authority. Im hoping I can get on part time so that I will have a job lined up for the summer when school gets out. That would be absolutely wonderful. I also got scheduled for the 9 days of testing at the middle school. Thats really nice considering that will be 9 days on my last check...not to mention the other days that Im sure I will get to work because so many teachers take off at the end of the school year. I just hope something opens up at the middle school for next year. Id love to work there! Tonight Louella and her kids are coming over, maybe even Jody. I am going to cook some spagetti, using Rotini noodles instead and some of that Tony's garlic bread which is soooo good. Im excited about the dinner. Spagetti is an easy fix plus Ill have them there to entertain the girls. It should be fun. Im ready for lunch already! Im starving, guess I should have brought some breakfast! Ill have to remember that next time! Well until next time...

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