Well, my weekend was rather boring. Friday night Jessica came out to hang out for a little while. Corey and Cameron also showed up, surprisingly. They showed up about 5:30, right before the girls left. I wonder if Lana knew who Corey was and if she told Jon he was at the house...interesting...but Im sure Ill never know. Corey came in his new truck which is really nice. Of course, he had to show it off to me and Jessica. Corey and Cam didnt stay too long, so when they left Jessica and I went to Subway to eat supper then we came back to the house and hung out till around 10 or so.
Saturday morning I got up early and met Amber at the bank. We rode together to take the Praxis which was horrible as usual. I have no idea how I think I did on it. Those tests are just so unpredictable...you just have no idea what to expect. I got done with like 40 minutes to go which really worries me. Normally I work right up until the minute they call time so that makes me extremely nervous. I completed all of the constructed responses and finished up the multiple choice questions. I even went back and checked over my answers...changing a few of the multiple choice answers. Im just glad its over and I hope that I dont have to take it again! Pray for me!
After we took the test we ate at O'Charleys which was great! Yum...I love the new pretzel crunch chicken. Then we ran by the mall and to Barnes and Noble...and news flash...do not buy books at Barnes and Noble. You can order them on the website and they are cheaper. I guess because they dont have to pay for them to be shelved in the store. I was buying a book that was $24 in the store and online it was only $19...THAT IS A BIG SAVINGS! I also typed in Barnes and Noble coupon on google and pulled up a coupon code to use online so I got 10% one item which was great. So if your looking for a book be sure an order online. If you spend $25 or more online you get free expedited shipping which is another plus. I hope they get here soon. Im very excited about the books I ordered. One of them is Murder in Kentucky and it is about the WKU murder by the infamous Stephen Soules and Luke Goodrum. The excerpt which I read online was very good so Im excited about reading the book.
After I got back to town I went by the grocery store and picked up a few items. Then I went home and did a little cleaning. Jessica came out again and we just set around and talked. Chad ended up coming by...I guess he was bored. They left around 1:00 am and I went to bed. Sunday I got up at 8 and got ready and went to church! Once again I am very proud of myself for going. Im 2 for 2 so far into the new year! I will be sure and take the girls this coming Sunday of course if everyone is feeling good. After church, however, I did take a 3 hour nap! LOL. I was so sleepy. Sunday I did absolutely nothing, just watched a little tv and then my mom and I cooked some supper and the girls came home! We played, took bathes, then watched a little tv before bed. It was a good but very uneventful weekend! Until next time...
1 comment:
I want to borrow that book from you when you're finished...about Katie Autry and all that. PLEASE!!!! I hope you like "My Sister's Keeper"...I think you will!! Have fun with pre-school tomorrow, haha!! That's funny!
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