Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's been awhile...

Gosh, I cant believe it has been a whole week since I last updated my blog! I use to update it a couple of times a day on some days now I hardly have the time and when I do have a free minute I would rather be doing something else all together. Nothing exciting has really been going on in my life. Valentine's Day has come and gone! Thank goodness. It is one of my least favorite holidays of the year so I am thankful that it is over. The girls liked their Valentine's gifts so that is really all that matters. I spent my Valentine's Day doing a whole lot of NOTHING. Jessica came over and we got some pizza and watched Saw V. It was a good movie but I think the whole Saw thing is really getting old. It is time for a new scary movie with a whole new plot. I have been working everyday lately which is going to be great when payday rolls back around. I am already booked for everyday in March which is good because I wanted to get in as many days as possible before spring break. I also have recently gotten a fence put up in my backyard! I am super excited about it. Clint Livesay came and put it up yesterday. He just has to come back and do a few more things...Im hoping since it hasnt rained all day today that maybe he will get it finished up today or even tomorrow. It is going to be so nice this summer when the girls play outside and I dont have to chase them all over the place. He is also very affordable so I would suggest him to anyone that is interested in getting a fence. I have got several more things I want to do to the house this spring. I am going to box in the bottom part of my back deck which will really look good once that is done. I am also going to plant some trees and do some landscaping during spring break hopefully. I would love to build a carport but Ill just have to wait and see what happens with the job market before I do that. It will really look nice once I get all of this done. I am so excited to finally be in MY own home! How fabulous!? Well I will write more at a later date...hopefully sooner than later. Until next time...

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