Thursday, October 30, 2008


I AM SO BORED AND SO COLD. Today the students are doing a scrimmage test for CATS testing so I have been sitting here for the past 4 hours! Luckily I got a lot of my TWS done so thats a plus but now Im bored. Im getting mad because my teacher wont email me back and tell me what goes in the appendices of my TWS, otherwise I would be done with the stupid thing already! I am really getting aggravated. Its getting close to lunch time, thank goodness. Well until next time...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Minute to Blog

I have a few minutes to kill so I thought I would write another blog. As you can tell I have more time for blogs now that I have dropped one of the classes I was teaching. It is nice to relax for awhile now. I have been working my butt off on my unit for 5 weeks! I cant believe that it lasted that long and I was only suppose to do 2 solo weeks. WOW. Anyways. Nothing new here I guess...just working on my TWS that I want to get finished ASAP. I am so ready to have it finished so I dont have to worry with it anymore. Next week I go back to WKU, which is awesome because that means I only have a 2 day school week because of election day. That will be so nice. I do hate going to my EDU 489 class though, it is so pointless. Everything we do could easily be done online. Well I gotta go for a few. Ill blog again in a little while. Until next time...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just a minute to BLOG

My date Friday was absolutely GREAT! He showed up to pick me up with a red rose! How sweet!? He drove all the way back to town just to pick me up so I didnt have to drive to BG for the second time. So he had to drive to Scottsville 3 times on Friday! WOW. We went out to eat with Chelsey and Kelly then we went to the movies and watched Quarantine. We were going to see Saw V but of course, it was sold out. Go figure. Well last night I checked my email around 9:30 and I got an email from my WKU supervisor and she is coming to KTIP me on TUESDAY! I was totally freaking out, so after I got back from BG this morning I came to school to get things ready. Luckily by 7th period I had my copies made and my KTIP lesson plan written. I feel so relieved! I am ready to get it over with now, I always get so nervous before she comes and then I normally do fine. Thank goodness though, I only have one KTIP left after this one I think. Plus a video but that is not a big deal at all. Well its time to go. Until next time...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just a Minute to Blog

I have a few minutes to kill some time so I thought I would write a quick blog. Today is Thursday...thank goodness! Actually it is my last day of school for the week. Tomorrow I have to go to WKU to do my data analysis for my TWS. I am so ready to get that part of my TWS over with. It will be such a great relief. Once that is finished I am going to get it all in order so I can be completely done with it! Today is the Sadie Hawkin's dance at school. I am going to chaperone so I wore some cowboy boots, jeans, and a button up plaid shirt. The girls are with Uncle today lol. So I guess Ill go home and do some laundry, etc. once the dance is over. Tomorrow night Will and I are going to see Saw V. I am so excited. I absolutely love scary movies. Not sure where we are going to eat or anything but anyways. I cant believe that Clarissa and I have still not spoke. I really thought she would have acquired some sense by now but I guess not. Apparently Luc is renting part of the garage where Dave's Truck service or whatever it was called, use to be. Well Dana's car is there every night lol. I think that is hilarious. Then Clarissa's car was there the other night. Oh me, oh my...I guess she will never learn. One day she will look back and regret it but until then I guess she can continue to live her miserable life, sitting at home doing nothing because she is a freaking idiot. Ugh. Dumb people get on m nerves! Well until next time...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I havent had a lot of time lately to write blogs. I have been trying to finish up my solo unit...this makes like my 5th week teaching solo! WOW. Luckily tomorrow I am giving my post-test...then I will start dropping classes! I am so ready. Im exhausted. It will be nice to relax once again. School is going great. Friday I will be doing my data analysis, which I am ready to complete. Then I will just need to finish up my Instructional Decision Making and my reflection. It will be great to get that completed. The twins have not been sleeping good at all for almost 3 weeks. I dont know what their problems is but it has been horrible. We have been crashing in the floor the past couple of days. My back and neck are beginning to hurt. LOL. I am going to start putting them back in their beds though...this has got to change. Their Nana said she sleeps on an air mattress between them and that they sleep in their toddler beds at her house...But from the way she talked, they wake up during the middle of the night. It seems like Emma is so thirsty at night. I dont need to be giving her milk...maybe I should try some juice or water....probably water, maybe that sugar free flavoring in it or something. I have got to do something soon. Well Im counting down the weeks till graduation. 7 weeks till graduation and 6 more weeks of student teaching! Thats not even counting all the days we are out for election, thanksgiving, and then the days I am at WKU. WOW...that cuts it down to like 5 weeks I think. IM SO EXCITED AND READY! Well I have more to post but Im going to have to do that after lunch I guess. Until then...

Monday, October 20, 2008


Gosh, I was so excited about today. Some other teachers and I won a prize at a faculty meeting the other day and we were suppose to go to Raffertys today for lunch but of course, one of the teachers is absent! Go figure. That really stinks, maybe we will get to go another day this week though, I sure hope so. Other than that things are going good. I started filling out an application this week, looks like it may take me forever, considering all of the questions that it asks. Im going to download and print some from other school districts during planning today and get those sent in. I had a great weekend shopping with my grandma on Saturday. We got a lot of christmas stuff for the girls and some new clothes, etc. I cant wait till Christmas. This one is going to be great...especially since I dont have to celebrate it with an asshole this year! I am so ready for student teaching to be over with. Im ready to have a job that actually pays. That will be fantastic. Well, its time to get back to work, until next time...

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, fall break has officially came to an end. I am at school today...without the kiddos though. We had to have a professional development day....which totally sucks. This day could not possibly go any slower. So my fall break was okay. I really didnt do a lot of anything. I painted my hutch black and it looks great. I also got a new kitchen table which really looks good with the new black hutch. I spent a lot of time with the girls. I actually stayed home all weekend with them. They have not been sleeping in their beds all night....but I am kind of getting use to them sleeping with me. I laid down last night and couldnt go to sleep till one of them woke up and got in the bed with me. I probably shouldnt be letting them do that but oh well. They are only little once. I am still talking to Will. Not sure how that is going to go. He is very different from all of the other guys that I have dated. He is a little weird at times but he is so cute. I am definitely not trying to rush things though. I just dont really want too. I dont even know if I am in the mood for a boyfriend at this time in my life. Thats strange because normally I want one so bad lol. I still miss Corey. I dont know why I was so crazy about him but I was and stll am sorta. Maybe that will fade over time. Well I could type much more but I have things I need to do. Until next time...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Weekend

So my date on Friday went absolutely great! We went to TGIFridays. Then we went to see Nights in Rodanthe. I had such a good time. We hung out at his apartment for a little while too before I came home. I had such a good time that I asked him to come on last night and he did. We rented some movies and hung out here at my house. It was fun. He told me that his longest relationship was only 2 that kind of scares me, but oh well. You have to take changes in life. Well Im getting ready to head to BG to eat breakfast/lunch with the normal crew on Sunday. I will post more later. Until next time...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am super excited about Friday because I am going to the movies with Will. I think we are going to go see Night in Rodanthe. I am really nervous too, I guess bc I have not talked to him a whole lot. Today I have to go to BG to see a man about that home loan so when I get done doing that Im going to run by the mall and try to find a new shirt to wear on my date. Hopefully everything will go okay...wish me luck! Until next time...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Break

I am so ready for fall break! This week is going by so slow...I guess because I am so anxious to have a week off for fall break! I was going to go to the big mustang thing at BB this weekend with Chelsey and Kelly but Im not going to do that now. Saturday, Samantha and I are going to BG. I am so excited...we have not hung out in forever. We are going to go "top" shopping lol...and Im sure we will make a stop at O'Charleys for lunch. I am going to try to do some house cleaning and relaxing this weekend. Im usually on the go so much that I get nothing done on the weekends when the girls are with their father. So other than shopping I dont have any other plans as of today. I can not wait to have a week off though! It will be so nice not to have to put on dress clothes and go to work, unpaid, for 5 whole days! I wont know what to do with myself. Well, until next time...