Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Beginning

WOW. Things have really changed for me in the past couple of days. I knew that the day I moved out of Jon's house that I was starting a whole new beginning for my girls and myself, but it wasnt that exciting because I had to move in that small apartment. That changed over this weekend though. I moved into my OWN HOUSE! Yes...I did say that correctly, my own house! I absolutely love it. Its nice to know that its my house and that no one can take that from one can make me move this time. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 a laundry room which is fabulous and a really big yard. It is in a convenient location and its so cute! I am so excited. Last night was our first night staying there...the girls really seem to like it. They are still exploring it and figuring out where their toys are, etc. I got everything put away and hung up and it looks fabulous. Things have always looked up because I have the best girls I could ask for but it feels so good to have a place to call our own now. Somewhere that my girls can grow up and play in the yard. I look forward to what else the future may bring. Until next time...

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