Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Should Write a BOOK!

Since I had E and Z I have always felt like I could write a book about raising twins. Yes, I know, that sounds crazy but Im serious. I have learned so much since they were born and raising twins is not an easy task. They should seriously come with a manual when there are 2 of them! So I thought Id post a few important pieces of advice when it comes to raising may be helpful and it may not but oh well...Im bored here at work so Im going to post it whether you want it or not! LOL.

1. A regular routine/schedule is a MUST! You cant live without it so dont try!

2. Naps are completely necessary! You will not be able to make it if you dont put them down for at least one nap a day!

3. Dont buy two of every toy...teach them to share.

4. Good highchairs are another MUST! You will spend a significant amount of time using them and especially cleaning them.

5. Portable DVD players are fantastic especially if your twins (this also applies to those with just one child) do not like to spend a lot of time in the car.

Well those are just a few things that were on the top of my list but I have plenty more that I could write about. I know that Ivana will definitely read my blog, so if you have any twin advice please post or comment because it is greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Ivana Clay said...

Maybe we can co-author a book and be rich and famous someday! But we are both so busy with our kids, I think it may have to wait a couple of years! LOL! I totally agree with all of your advice, especially the toy sharing piece. Although I never could get my kids on a schedule. After they were about two months old it all went out the window! To this day, they all do things at different times. So I flunked on that part!

My best piece of advice is for new twin mommy's. In fact I shared it with a lady working at the Children's Place today. Her sister was expecting twins and had another little one at home. Similiar to me. So my only advice to brand new twin moms and dads is "don't be upset if your little ones have to stay in the NICU after you get discharged. I was totatlly unprepared for this. It never occurred to me that I would have the babies too early to be able to bring them home right away. But if this happens, just relax. Utilize the NICU nurses as your teachers and take the extra time to learn all you can about your new members of the family. Enjoy your last few fleeting moments of quiet and get ready for when you bring them home. Cause then the real fun begins!! :)"

Well I think this might be the world's longest comment so I better shut up. But I do want to let you know that I am giving you the letter "E" to blog ten things you like/love. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Happy Saturday!