Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wishful Wednesday: Patience

Since today is wishful Wednesday there is one thing in particular that I would like to wish for and that is PATIENCE. I know that it is only 7:42 in the morning but I feel like my patience is already thin. The girls were rather fussy this morning...whining over things like not being able to climb up in my computer chair and just whining to be whining I think. I want to also work on their patience also. You would think with there being two that they would kind of develop a little patience considering they have to wait for me to get the other one dressed, etc. but NO WAY! haha. Im hoping when they get older that they do gain more patience with me as I deal with them as best I can when it comes to getting them loaded into the car, etc. They are extremely impatient when Im doing that...its like they think Im going to just take one of them! So anyways, I wish for more patience on this wonderful, yet cloudy wishful Wednesday!

1 comment:

MammaDucky said...

Beautiful twins! I certainly admire you, being a single Mamma of a couple of twincesses AND finishing your degree! My hat is off to you. Well, it would be if I were wearing one, ha!
Oh, and if you figure out how to make your girls have more patience, let me know, cuz my twins are three and don't have a lick of patience.
Have a great rest of your week.