Thursday, September 25, 2008


I think my ex has been getting into my myspace...and yes I think Clarissa is the one that gave him my information. He sent me a lovely little text message last night listing all these guys that I am supposably seeing and Im not seeing any of them. I mean, one of them as texted me lately but that is all that has amounted too. I mean, why is it any of his business anyways? Who does he think he is? I told him he needed to worry about his own gf and stop worrying about me. Im so glad Clarissa felt it was necessary to fill him in on what is going on in my life...she is fixing to open a can of worms she cant even imagine. If she doesnt stop Im going to call the wife of this guy that she went on a date with a couple weekends ago...I bet she wouldnt like that would she? She told me she had more stuff on me than I had on her...what in the world is she talking about? My life is not very exciting. I go out to eat with Chelsey and Kelly about once a weekend. WOW, is that a crime? She is dumb. She kept saying I talk about my friends behind their back yet she couldnt give me one example! I told that was because she didnt know what she was talking about. If I have something to say I will say it to their face. I dont bottle it up like her and then through a friendship away after 10 years! Well I have to go get ready for class. Until next time...

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