Wednesday, September 17, 2008

LaSt NiGhT

Wow! What a night?! I dont know what was up with the girls but I definitely think they may have not been feeling well. Zoie threw up like 3 times...which means, yes...3 sets of bed sheets on a baby bed and if you have kids you know how big of a pain changing those sheets can be. Plus she got it in the floor so at 930 last night I was dragging the vaccum out and scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. Not too much fun thats for sure. Then they starting pooping. I think one did it twice and the other one once...or maybe both twice...I cant even remember...I just know its unusual for them to do that after they go to bed so that is the one thing that made me think they didnt feel good. Zoie has figured out how to throw up if she gets mad I believe so Im not sure about anything really! So I called my grandma to ask her to come get them this morning incase I had a rough night and of course she said yes. I made us three a big pallet on the living room floor and as soon as I got all of that situated they went right to sleep beside me. It was not very comfortable but at least it was sleep plus they slept through my shower and blowing my hair this morning which is always a plus because when they are awake they want to mess with everything in the bathroom that they are not suppose to touch of course. I feel like I need a 3 day vacation after last night. SHHHHEWWW. I am so sleepy. Today is going to be a good day though...they girls woke up in fantastic moods...I got the house picked up before I left and I got some delicious cappacino at Minit Mart this morning. I am excited because today they are doing their campaign speeches for student council. Im excited to hear them all, I just hope the activity I have planned for today goes over well. Im sure Ill write more later, I gotta get ready for the day though. Until next time...

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