Saturday, December 13, 2008

Its finally over yet just beginning!

Im sure that whoever reads my blogs will be relieved to know that my graduation day is finally coming to an end. My graduation is all that I have written about in forever! It feels so good to be a college graduate. It seems like just yesterday that I was packing up the car and heading off to Murray State where I figured I would spend my college years. It's crazy how things change but I believe deep down in my heart that everything happens for a reason even if the reason may seem unclear at the time. I am very proud of myself for overcoming the obstacles that I have faced over the past year. I thought that I would never finish but here I am...a WKU graduate! Graduation was definitely long but it was good to see my fellow classmates and friends because some of them I may never see again which is very sad. I was afraid I might cry at graduation but I stayed strong and did not shed a tear. My eyes, however, did tear up when President Ransdell asked for the single parents to stand up. Graciela who was setting next to be patted my leg for encouragement and a few of my other friends including Sam were telling me to stand up. I was very surprised to see that so few graduates were single parents...I was really expecting more. The things that President Ransdell said about single parents was very touchy and it took everything I had not to cry. I just never expected to be standing as a single parent graduating college at this point in my life. It really made things hit home. I am so thankful for all those that have helped me along this crazy journey that I call my life. Without my family and friends there is no way that I could have made it this far. I am so excited about being done with school yet I am already thinking about my masters degree. I am thinking about taking a class or two in the summer but I may hold off. I just dread paying back my loans already! I am definitely going to take the GRE before the spring semester is out and go from never hurts to be prepared. Well today has definitely been a long day...especially with not as much sleep as I had intended on getting Friday night. I will have to write about Friday night in another blog...I am way too tired to go into that story. I will catch you up tomorrow I promise. Well until next time...

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