Monday, December 8, 2008

Working Hard for the Money!

To my surprise I got called to sub today at the intermediate center. Unfortunately they didnt call till 8 am which was shocking, so I had to rush to get ready. I learned my lesson though, from now on Im taking a shower at night and laying out some clothes incase they call then I wont be so rushed. My grandma came down and picked up the girls which helped me out a ton. I had just made a big pot of coffee to wake me up and I was going to make the girls pancakes. Guess I will another day when Im not called in to sub. Ive been emailing Samantha all morning since she is the art teacher at the primary center today. I guess she is just as bored as I am. The teacher I am subbing for has planning the last period of the day so Im hoping I can slide out early so I can run an important errand. Then home to relax as usual...going to cook some supper tonight and watch some of my shows if there are any on tonight that are new. Im glad I got to sub...just one more day to make money, which is something I am very excited about. It would be awesome if I had 10 days of sub pay on my first paycheck...I wouldnt know what to do with myself. Oh my gosh, one of the girls slept in their bed till 5:30 this morning! I was so happy! I couldnt believe it. I hope that happens again tonight. Im sure after they go to Jon's this weekend Ill have to start all over though, thats normally how it goes. Ugh...what a headache. Well Im going to get back to emailing Sam. Until next time...

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