Monday, December 1, 2008


I want to take this time to give a few shoutouts to some of my really good friends that read my fabulous blogs on occassion.

Erica- Thank you for being such a great friend. Your always there for me when I need to talk or just for a good laugh. I definitely wish we could see each other more. I am glad that we have remained such good friends since I left Oak Grove. You are one of my best friends and I hope we continue to be friends forever. If you ever need anything Im here for you!

Samantha- Well, what can I say? We have definitely became close friends over the last few years. We have been there for each other during stressful papers and finals in college even though we havent had any classes together and not to mention all of the crazy drama that we have experienced in our lives over the last couple of years! Its been nice knowing that I have someone to vent to when things get stressful. Its hard to believe that in just 12 days, we will be walking that line together! Thanks for always being there for me. Your a great friend.

More shoutouts to come later...its time to get out of here for the day! Until next time...

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